How To Manage Your Sales-Process?
Sales is the motive for all the effort which you put into your business. Being a successful business means more and more sales. On the contrary more sales does not means spending a lot of times on sales, instead it is totally opposite to it. Spending lesser times on sales means more time to generate sales leads and other components of the business while the business fast-tracks its sales processes. As the business grows day by day it is natural that the sales also increases. An efficient business will thrive to take innovative steps in this stage of the business to grow its profit and convert into a bigger business.
What is a Sales Process?
Sales process is nothing but a flow of processes which has to be executed step by step to complete the sales transaction in the business. The business can look very straightforward if looked from a third person prospective. But real businessmen will agree that sales is not as simple as it seems. There is a lot going on in the background behind the sale of a simple product and also there’s a lot going on after the sales.
A sale process usually has the following 7 steps to it:

- Prospecting: This being the first stage of the process, it covers all the different methods your organization or business uses to finds leads — potential customers. This step is one of the crucial steps as this will determine how many sales you may get. Now, the thing to be kept in mind is potential customers don’t just become customers by knowing them, so we move on to the next step.
- Preparation: Once we know the potential customers, one got to have a proper plan and setup on how to follow-up the potential customers so that the business can convince them on the product quality and the service that the business can provide them. How do you get them ready for an initial conversation with your sales team? You must have a tool in your hand to communicate and keep a track of the communication with them.
- Approach: This is the first interaction between the company and the potential customer. The business sales team in this step approaches the customer and lets them know that “We have a solution to your problem”. We got the product and service which you actually want.
- Presentation: In this step the customer gets the presentation of the product by the business. Taking a shoe store for example, this step is when the customer sees a particular pair of shoes and tries them on. That means that the customer now has insights of the product.
- Handling objections: After the customer has got insights of the product. He may have certain queries to clarify upon. The business must be prepared on what are the potential queries and what the answers can be. After the queries are responded to the customer’s satisfaction, the customer decides on whether the product or commodity has to be bought by him or not.
- Closing: This step deals with the actual transaction that happens. That is exchange of the money for the commodity or service. This involves invoicing, billing and amount transfer as well as updating of the ledger book.
- Follow-up: The sales process does not end when you successfully close a deal. There may be post sales services that depending on the nature of the business. For example, an electronic shop will have post sale services like installation by service engineers. Not just this, but there must be means to address post sales activities like, a return transaction. Moreover, this also includes giving answer to customer’s service calls, so that the customers do not covert into “ex-customers”.
How can Innoventry Software be helpful in carrying out the sales process?
We all know how crucial is finding leads for the business is, we may get enquiries from various potential customers and a proper arrangement to keep a record for those enquiries will mean more potential customers. Innoventry has an application specialized for Customer Resource Management (CRM) integrated within it where you can add enquiry and keep a track of them.

Promotional Messages are a great way to reach the customers and attract them towards the business. Innoventry has feature using which you can send Promotional Messages to all the parties or a group of parties as per the city or their relationship with the business.

Once we know that the potential customer requires something which the business can offer. The Innoventry software aids to the business by letting it add sales lead to the software which can be further carried ahead for the sales process.

But barely adding a sales lead is of no help. One must follow up the sales leads so that the process is not terminated. And to maintain an efficient watch on the potential customers, businesses can refer to the sales lead dashboard where they can view the progress with the lead.

Approaching a lead was never easy but being a market leader in Billing and Accounting Software Innoventry Premium incorporated the feature to send direct SMS from the software to the leads. It doesn’t just supports ordinary messaging but also has facility to send WhatsApp messages directly to the leads. This bridges the communication gap between the leads and the business significantly.

With approach comes the quotations, a proper sense of quotations help the business to be prepared beforehand for the future expected sales.

Presentation & Handling Objections:
Presentation is the aspect which has two parts to it. First, a business can have people coming in into the stores and having a look on the products that the business has to offer. Second also incorporating the ability to handle objections, having a consolidated list of products which can be referred while answering queries from the customers on availability and other details. Innoventry got you covered.
Once the customer decides upon the product he/she wants, next we need to create a sales invoice and also a delivery challan in case our business involves delivering the goods or products or in case of cash on delivery orders. This step is the crucial step which defines the sales process as complete. Creating Sales invoices and Delivery Challan is as smooth as butter on the Innoventry Software.

The quality of a quality business is to follow up on the needs of the customer if something is required by them post-sales. Innoventry for the quality businesses has got solution for the same. You can follow up the customer’s need using a inbuilt application in the software “CRM”. You can view all the service related calls on a dashboard at a glance.

You can carry out all the processes from the dedicated menu for the same and can also view all the processes in the a dedicated dashboard designed to manage the sales process. This prevents the hassle of hoovering around to search for the crucial steps involved and leads to a better management and greater efficiency.

Now, since we got all the steps covered. Let’s get rolling and start earning a quality customer base and profits.