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How do I create Ledger?

Click Here for You Tube Video on Ledgers in Innoventry #

To open ledger view, go to menu Master > Ledger. There are some pre-defined ledgers available with different Ledger Groups. Opening Balance,
Opening Stock and Profit & Loss these Accounting ledgers are created under the Ledger Group Primary. You cannot delete or edit these ledgers.
To Create new Ledger: Click on toolbar button New. There are four tabs in the ledger frame.


Ledger Name:Enter the Ledger Name. Innoventry does not allow the entry of duplicate names.

Print Name:Print name of the ledger is created by default. However this can be changed.

Alias Name:Enter the false(pet) name of Ledger.

Ledger Group:Select the Ledger Group from the list of Ledger Groups under which the Ledger is to be created. Selected default Ledger Group
is Sundry Debtors. However you can create new ledger group by using New button in frame or using Ctrl + Space shortcut key.

Opening Balance:Enter the Opening Balance of the Ledger. Dr or Cr Specify whether the Opening Balance is Debit or Credit.

Description:Enter any details or description related to the ledger.

Bank A/C No.: Enter the Bank Account Number of the Ledger

Bank Name:Enter the Bank Name of which account number is provided.

Branch Name:Enter the Branch Name of the bank.

IFSC Code:Enter the IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) of the bank.

GSTIN:Enter the GSTIN(Goods and Service Tax Identification Number ) of Ledger which is used to identify Ledger registered under GST.

GST type:Select the type of GST i.e Registered, Unregistered, Composition levy.

PAN Number:Enter valid PAN (Permanent Account Number) of the ledger.

Dr/Cr Limit (Days):Enter the Dr/Cr limit in days

Dr/Cr Limit(Amount):Enter the Dr/Cr amount limit

State:Selct the state of the Ledger

Address:Enter the address of the Ledger

City: Enter the city of the ledger

Mobile:Enter the mobile number of the Ledger

Alternate No. 1 and Alternate No. 2: Enter the alternate phone numbers.

Fax: Enter the fax Number of the Ledger.

Email:Enter valid Email address of the ledger that will be used to email documents, reports and data from Innoventry.

Alternate Email:Enter the Alternate email

Weblink: Enter the web site address of the ledger.

Anniversary: Select date of an anniversary of the ledger.

D.O.B.: Select the Date of Birth of the ledger.

  • Address: It is used to maintain multiple addresses of a ledger.
  • Click on New button to create a new Ledger Address.Click on Edit button to edit or modify selected Ledger Address.Click on Delete button to delete selected Ledger Address.
  • Image: There are three buttons in the image tab of ledger frame.Browse: Click on the Browse button to browse the image from any folder of your system.Webcam: To capture an image from Webcam click on the Webcam button.Remove: To remove the image click on the Remove button.
  • Labels: You can select the particular label for the ledger, which you want.
  • Discount:Item Group: Select Item Group on which discount will be applicable.Discount (%): Enter the value of discount (%).Click on Add button. You cannot add duplicate discount of item group for same ledger.NOTE: Discount is applicable for only ledger of Sundry Debtors and Sundry Creditors ledger Group.
  • Billing Group:To visible Billing Group Tab in ledger dialog, go to Setup > Configuration > Tax Setting > Click on check box
  • “Enable Custom Billing Group”.
  • Classification: Select the billing classification from the list.
  • Billing Group: Check the check box of the billing group.

After adding details, click on OK or Apply button.
Click on toolbar button Edit to edit or modify selected ledger.
Click on the toolbar button Delete to delete selected ledger.
Click on the toolbar button Print to print the list of ledger details.
To see preview before printing go to Setup > Configuration > General Setting > Click on check box Show Preview Before Print.
You can email the ledger report and save as PDF and Excel.

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